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The “Ageless” Movement and the Opportunity It Presents for Brands

Elderly Couple Playing Video Game

Have you heard of molecular gastronomy, regenerative medicine or electrical muscle stimulation? We are experiencing such a powerful moment in science and technology that the traditional limitations of age, be they physical or social, are being cast away in what some are calling the “ageless” movement. With access to so many capsules, supplements, preventive treatments, anti-aging formulas, hormonal replacements and aesthetic and surgical interventions, the old benchmarks and milestones are giving way to expressions like “The 60s are new 40s” and so on.

This revolution has been a gradual one, accompanied by innumerous products and treatments, and, above all, reams of information. Hundreds of studies teach us how to be on the cutting edge of health and well being. We know many of the adages by heart: “drink lots of water,” “exercise regularly,” and “sleep well” are just a few that are always on the tip of the tongue of the younger generation. There is even a Brazilian song by Pedro Bial telling us to use sunscreen.

Beyond the physical aspects, social paradigms had previously limited behaviors to age groups, but have since been deconstructed. The good news is that nowadays we see older people acting in ways that were only acceptable for younger people, like practicing extreme sports, topless sunbathing, using dating apps, dyeing their hair shocking colors, collecting coloring books – even launching a startup.

Times have changed and many brands are not keeping pace. They continue to relate behaviors to age groups and, consequently, they fail to arouse interest in their products among an even larger public. They miss the chance to generate empathy and increase their revenue. Some brands, however, are starting to understand that there is a large public that consumes their products, as is the case with Skol, which in its recent approach “Round means not being square” shows that summertime and beer is for everyone.

Obviously, brands will continue to develop products with a target audience in mind as a starting point, but they must also see communication as a enormous opportunity to impact an even larger group of consumers. Use common sense and creativity. Brands: be sure to think ageless!