Scotts Miracle Gro Logo White Logo 1.19


Strengthening corporate reputation with an authentic and relevant purpose

Reinforcing ScottsMiracle-Gro as a Good Company That Always Does the Right Thing

strategic planning, research and insights, creative production, internal communications, paid digital and media relations

The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (SMG) is the world’s largest marketer of lawn and garden products with more than 150 years in operation. In recent years, the company has been under increased pressure due to societal shifts and environmental concerns. Despite making its products safer for people and the environment, SMG was still viewed largely as a chemical company, especially among millennials.

Zeno helped SMG build a multi-year, corporate reputation program that reflected the company’s values and reinforced it as a good company that consumers can trust. We knew millennials take action when they believe in a company’s purpose, so we launched GroMoreGood – a purpose-driven ethos that connects millennials’ values with those of SMG and provides a communications framework to guide all of SMG’s internal and external storytelling. We put a spotlight on the company's enduring commitment to communities, the environment and its own employees through a paid, earned and owned communications approach.

A corporate reputation program with purpose that resonated with millennials and inspired trust

Nearly 9 of 10

millennial consumers said the purpose inspired trust in the company


increased brand favorability (according to data as of July 2021)


lift in Good Company attribute agreement indicating the messaging elevated perceptions that SMG is a good, trustworthy company