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São Paulo

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About São Paulo

Since 2013, Zeno Sao Paulo has been the hub of Zeno Group’s operations in South America. Our office brings together minds from journalism, public relations, marketing and social media who develop campaigns rooted in innovation and creativity. The agency serves companies and brands from different sectors, bringing to life integrated campaigns that generate real business impact.
Zeno Sao Paulo is honored to be recognized by the industry, including SABRE Awards Latin America and Prêmio Jatobá – one of the top awards in Brazil.

Camila Anauate

Camila Anauate

Account Director, Zeno Brasil


Rua Fradique Coutinho
50, 13º andar

55 11 3060 3146



Zenoids in Brazil

Our Culture: Globally, Zeno employees are called Zenoids. But who are they anyway? In São Paulo, our team is made up of innovative and creative talents, attuned to the main trends in behavior, consumption and communication, working with major brands from different sectors. They are fearless and challenge themselves every day to deliver the best to our clients.

Our Community: Zeno Sao Paulo is a member of the Corporate Coalition for the End of Violence Against Women and Girls, supporting initiatives like the traditional 21 Days of Activism. Zeno is also a signatory to the “Open Letter of Support for Diversity, Respect and Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Professionals in Brazilian Workplaces”, promoted by the LGBTQIA+ Business and Rights Forum, Instituto + Diversidade and Out&Equal – Workplace Advocates. At Zeno, we believe in the transformative power of communication and we, proudly, use it to build fairer societies for all.


Nossa Cultura: Globalmente os colaboradores da Zeno são chamados de Zenoids – Zenóides, em português. Mas, afinal, quem são eles? Em São Paulo, nosso time é formado por profissionais inovadores e criativos, antenados com as principais tendências de comportamento, consumo e comunicação. Todos atuam ou já atuaram com grandes marcas de diferentes setores e têm perfil ousado e se desafiam o tempo todo para entregar o melhor sempre.

Nossa Comunidade: a Zeno São Paulo é membro da Coalizão Empresarial Pelo Fim da Violência Contra Mulheres e Meninas, apoiando iniciativas como a já tradicional Campanha dos 21 Dias. Além disso, é signatária da “Carta aberta de apoio à diversidade, ao respeito e à inclusão de pessoas LGBTQI+ nos ambientes de trabalho brasileiros”, promovida pelo Fórum de Empresas e Direitos LGBTQIA+, Instituto + Diversidade e Out&Equal – Workplace Advocates. Na Zeno, acreditamos no poder de transformação da comunicação e a usamos, orgulhosamente, para construir sociedades mais justas para todos e todas.